
    Nov 27 2018

    Managing The Culture Shift: Paving The Way For BIM Implementation

    I recently had the pleasure of representing Cracknell at the Urban design and Landscaping Expo: The Big 5 in Dubai as a speaker on the “Talk Series”. I was delighted to learn that my presentation on paving the way for BIM implementation was a big hit among attendees as they enthusiastically shared their positive feedback at the venue and even later on via email. They found the topic of particularly interesting, and said they thought the topic not only engaging but also highly relevant and insightful to their organisations.

    Below are some of the topics surrounding BIM that I covered:

    • The BIM Challenge: Systemic Innovation and Digital Disruption
    • BIM Adoption: Strategy, Foundations, Processes, Technology, Tools and People
    • The Project Ecosystem and BIM
    • Start at the Top: Project Management (+) BIM
    • Reimagine your people: BIM Roles + Just-In-Time Training & Development Plans
    • Involve Your Clients: Articulating the Benefits of BIM
    • Evaluating BIM Performance: Objectives, Metrics and Return on Investment

    Learn more about my talk by checking out the presentation below:

    The Big 5 PPT_Cracknell Template_Elena Salun_WD.pdf