Integrated Services

    Lighting Design

    We paint with light.

    We enhance our designs after dusk; using vibrant illumination, subtle tones and play of brilliant patterns. Visual interest, atmosphere and drama are brought to human-centric night environments in the urban outdoors.


    We design lighting for parks & gardens, resorts & malls, and holistic strategies for town centres & streetscapes, and we write lighting design codes for City & Regional authorities. Our lighting simulation models are to international standards, minimising light pollution & protecting environmentally sensitive areas. Our realistic visuals show the intended aesthetics to Clients and stakeholders. Coordinating with industrial designers & manufacturers, we provide project-specific lighting solutions, and through Cracknell Post Contract Management, installation quality is closely monitored.

    Services include:

    • Landscape Lighting
    • Urban Lighting Masterplans
    • Night Visualisations
    • Post Contract Management
    • Authority Advice
    • Lighting Elements Custom Design