Adrian Guzman

    Senior Landscape Architect
    Adrian Guzman | Senior Landscape Architect
    Adrian Guzman | Senior Landscape Architect

    Adrian Guzman

    Senior Landscape Architect
    Adrian is a multi-skilled Senior Landscape Architect with a background in architecture, landscape, and urban design. With 16 years’ experience, he has undertaken numerous innovative, sustainable, and people-centric projects across Africa, Asia, MENA and North America. His designs are characterised by a strong focus on nature and the integration of green spaces to promote harmony between urban developments and the environment. He believes in a holistic approach to design, blending creativity with practicality, and considers environmental sustainability a core principle in every project he undertakes. He firmly believes that a project should not only be visually striking but also centered around the well-being of the people who inhabit the spaces.

    As we continue to pioneer innovative landscape architecture, we carry forward a legacy of creativity, compassion, and resilience. We are driven by the conviction that the landscapes we shape today will shape the world for generations to come. At Cracknell, we embrace this privilege and wield it responsibly, to paint a masterpiece of sustainable beauty upon nature’s ultimate canvas.

    Wadi Hanifa

    Diriyah Gate KSA