Neil Munsornplang

    Senior Landscape Architect
    Neil Munsornplang | Senior Landscape Architect
    Neil Munsornplang | Senior Landscape Architect

    Neil Munsornplang

    Senior Landscape Architect
    Neil is a Senior Landscape Architect with 20 years’ experience in delivering outstanding design solutions across a wide spectrum of projects, ranging from public parks and residential spaces to high-end hospitality environments. He is recognised for an exceptional ability to seamlessly integrate natural beauty, sustainability, and functionality into every project. Adept at collaborating with various stakeholders, particularly within the hospitality sector, he creates captivating outdoor spaces that enhance guest experiences and elevate the overall ambiance of hotels, resorts, and mixed-use developments.

    My passion lies in sculpting spaces that inspire. Every project is a narrative woven with threads of design, culture, and the immersive experiences they bring.

    Tilal Al Ghaf

    Dubai UAE