Ziad Milli

    Senior Associate - Lighting
    Ziad Milli | Senior Associate - Lighting
    Ziad Milli | Senior Associate - Lighting

    Ziad Milli

    Senior Associate - Lighting
    Ziad initially trained and practiced as an architect and interior designer before a fascination with light led him into the realms of lighting in 2003, and consequently to a deeper specialisation in landscape and urban lighting design and planning. His main aim is to employ and modulate light to create human-centric and inclusive night environments, satisfying functional, human, aesthetic and environmental needs. Having worked on projects with a wide diversity of global locations, scale, function and type, he has been active in creating designs for small private projects, commercial spaces, high-end resorts, public parks, and large urban developments. Ziad’s passion is in generating original strategies and relevant lighting techniques specific to the parameters and requirements of each situation – with every job there is the opportunity to push beyond the generic and to create a unique project-specific solution.

    At the Cracknell Lighting Department our aim is for the clarity of the night scheme, simple, optimised, mindful and significant.

    “Perfection is reached not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

    Antoine de Saint Exupéry