Qianhai Urban Public Realm

    landscape design Qianhai Urban Public Realm, Shenzhen, China

    Winning competition design for 8Ha of urban linear parks and public realm spaces that draw on the site’s railway heritage and visually and physically connect the Qianhai Bay to Dananshan Mountain.

    Establishing a new benchmark for urban lifestyle for the city, a series of truly global destination spaces, with a bold contemporary style, resonate with echoes of the historic trading routes.

    Xiaomeisha Beach Park & Hotel

    Xiaomeisha is located in Yantian District on the long coastline of Dapeng Bay in the east of Shenzhen.

    It is a famous seaside tourist resort with sandy beaches, hospitality and a major aquarium. It will now be enhanced by significant beachside public realm and a major brand hotel. The resort is designed in a series of terraced layers to manage tidal ingress whilst maintaining the design integrity.