Rashid Faridi

    Associate - Horticulturist
    Rashid Faridi | Associate - Horticulturist
    Rashid Faridi | Associate - Horticulturist

    Rashid Faridi

    Associate - Horticulturist
    Rashid has 20 years’ experience in soft landscape construction and maintenance, and horticultural consultancy across India and the Middle East. He manages the client, lead consultant and contractor coordination during all construction stages. He designs planting schemes for high-end hotels, resorts and luxury villas as well as community and commercial developments. With a horticultural background he has immense knowledge of different species and plant availability, adaptability and health. He is an expert on maintenance of both interior and exterior soft landscapes with specialist knowledge of tree pruning and shaping and transplantation of mature specimens and other specialist technical horticulture. Rashid is a dedicated horticulturalist, believing strongly in the importance of soft landscape and his profession to preserve nature and save our environment for the future.

    Cracknell has long been encouraging use of native and adaptive plant species in soft landscape design to respond to local climatic conditions and develop sustainable and environmentally-friendly projects.